Wicked Creek

From Oldfag.org Anarchy Minecraft
Wicked Creek
Wicked Creek
BeginningAugust 2019
Builder(s)SSJN, veggydip, Xurai, mcruk, JayAmazingness
Coordinates-85500 158300
Approx. date demolishedDecember 19 2019
Demolishersveggydip, Namy_Mcnameface, Nwop, Genk

Wicked Creek is the final base on oldfag of the ancient group Exodus. It's considered one of if not the largest base of its time period, most of it built by SSJN and veggydip. It was built as an Exodus base after their last base got leaked, but after Exodus disbanded on 2b2t, after 10 days Veggydip eventually decided it was time to end the base and leave it to its legacy. He demolished it alongside Nwop and Genk, with some ceremonial events before that with Namy and Gestimo.