
From Anarchy Minecraft
Revision as of 21:25, 5 April 2023 by Oldfrogplayer (talk | contribs) (Varidian City was a major base founded in 2022 housing a large portion of the remaining active players, oldfags and newfags alike. It was founded in April 2022 by ItzRubyy and griefed February 16, 2023 by Bruh77.)
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Founding of the base[edit | edit source]

Varidian city was founded during April of 2022 by ItzRubyy, who originally intended it as a solo base. Turns out, solo bases get boring quick, especially when they are over 10 MILLION blocks from 00. He soon invited his friends, including Lord_Met, IukeSkywalker, and chief_piffington and many others. A few months later as the base grew, the original members wanted to invite many "newgen" players such as liketinos2341, zxnyy, jakic, Deireide, and others. The discord grew to contain 30 members, most of which had contributed to the base in some way.

The Fall[edit | edit source]

An unfortunate sequence of events unfolded in February 2023, all happening very quickly. steelrain815, who had been invited months prior, finally arrived at the base. Unfortunately, he had a bad first impression on the active members as he appeared to be stealing items from the massive item sorter without reason or asking. Simultaneously, the base owner, ItzRubyy, gave the coordinates to the base to Bruh77 (WHYYYY) and on February 16, Bruh and Steelrain griefed the base.