
From Anarchy Minecraft
This page is an autobiography

This page was written by the player itself or a member of the group/base described. It may be written from a biased perspective.

Approx. join dateUnknown
Known AltsNone
Reddit Username(s)None or unknown
CurrentNot currently affiliated with any groups

A fat fat burger eater who is the archnemesis of Dustin brix the Second creator of Oldfag

Him and dusteen get caught up in global german affairs where they constantly campaign for expanding LGBT rights in their country

However him and dustin ritz have various extensive disagreements on the proposed protocols of making germany gay

In particular Super bunny Hunchen is in priority of the "White rabbit plan" which seeks to gradually homofie the country by stretching itself thin and then watering it with gpropaganda from its extreme edges for it to gradually seep in

Lol ritter became an esoteric femboy nazi on April 26th 2023