Margotamore195s Base

From Anarchy Minecraft
Chunk Error Outpost
Founding Date June 30th 2019
Location Unknown
Status Griefed
Member Count: < 2

Information[edit | edit source]

Description[edit | edit source]

MargotAmore195's base was a large castle. It served as a hub for building materials and food and would receive visitors occasionally. It had a large castle wall around it with a megafarm inside, alongside some large farms and an AFK fishing spot with a slime grinder.

Role within Peacekeepers I[edit | edit source]

MargotAmore195's base was the main base for the Peacekeepers in early July, outside of The Potato Island Colony. After the griefing of the Potato Island Colony, a few Peacekeeper members went to MargotAmore195's base to help work on a mapart that was never finished. The base acted as a Peacekeeper Stronghold even after the group mostly disbanded. Margotamore195 quit September 2019 and the base was left to be griefed.