
From Anarchy Minecraft
Approx. join dateJune 24, 2019; 5 years ago (2019-06-24)
Known Alts5TZ ImSwordQueen
Reddit Username(s)r/ImSwordKing
CurrentNot currently affiliated with any groups

ImSwordKing is an oldfag who joined on June 24th.

History[edit | edit source]

As mentioned above he joined on the 24th of June. He joined from one of John's advertisements. He and a player named RusherFag started a base at 2k2k. He now repairs and helps digmc most of the time on the server.

Around December he started a movement to flood spawn with watercubes. All was well with overworld spawn until he tried to watercube end spawn. Learning of this, GeNkRaZyKiLLeR came on his undergeared alt to fight ImSwordKing and his friend Bruh77, and make them flee. This alt had to log after Savata came in support of the end watercubes. ImSwordKing would vigorously cover end spawn in water, until Nwop, veggydip, and GeNk came to remove them.