Flower Knights

From Oldfag.org Anarchy Minecraft
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The Flower Knights were a "group" made by the players Arount and SuperHunchen, the group had a rich history with trades and selling items.

Early days[edit | edit source]

The Flower Knights were made somewhere at the end of october at blocktober fest after the players Arount and SuperHunchen wanted to make a group together. At first they didn't know what to do with it and who to invite, Arount shortly after creating the group invited Saiyamanmc and another player who's ign was forgotten, SuperHunchen didn't like that Arount just invited two people without asking him so he kicked both of them out of the group. Nothing was really done with the group in the comming months due to SuperHunchen not knowing what he wanted to do with the group because he didn't want to make it a group like every other. Later Arount and SuperHunchen quit the server and with that killed the Flower Knights for now.

Rebirth[edit | edit source]

After SuperHunchen's return to the server in January 2020 he knew what to do with the Flower Knights, although he's alone now he knew that he wanted to make a trading group out of it. He started to burn down all of the trees in a 10k 10k radius of spawn in the hope of bringing some attention to him and his group but the Brazilian Spawn Crusade started happening so he stopped burning down trees on the 10th of January. After the Crusade has ended SuperHuhnchen started to build the Flower Knight base, he also started to invite people who he thought were trustworthy among these people were GeNkRaZyKiLLeR, Sigha, Taefed, Moramuy and Anarch33. Since Arount left a few days before SuperHunchen started to build the base and he didn't have anyone who would help him in building it and it got really boring, all of them but Anarch33 and Taefed joined but only GeNkRaZyKiLLeR came to the base, inviting Genk to the base showed it self to be a decision that SuperHunchen regretted due to Genk giving the base cords to Gestimo after he trashtalked the base with him for looking like dogshit and then left. After Arount came back to the server he joined Flower Knights again and both SuperHunchen and Arount started trading with a lot of players which made them start a so called "trading era" where a lot of people started trading with eachother. Many of the people who traded with the Flower Knights liked to trade with SuperHunchen more than with Arount due to him selling his items for extremly cheap due to him being extremly rich at that time. Everything went extremly well with Arount and SuperHunchen building more and more farms at thier base and making more and more trades, because of that they were thinking to invite more people to the group like reinviting saiyamanmc and inviting tux. Arount had planned a event at 5k 5k in the overworld which was called "cookies for everyone" where he invited a lot of builders to who would make a lot of cool looking stuff but a newfag ended up finding the event and griefed it for no reason. SuperHunchen also had a event planned which ended up getting cancled due to Gestimo starting a fight with him on the oldfag discord and leaking his base which he got from Genk due to SuperHunchen completly destroying him in the argument, at that point Arount also left the server without telling SuperHunchen about it, so SuperHunchen just took everything that was worth anything from the base and flew away from it which made him stop trading with players.