
From Oldfag.org Anarchy Minecraft
Approx. join dateJuly 25, 2019; 5 years ago (2019-07-25)
Known AltsNone
Reddit Username(s)None or unknown
PastSpectrum, Emonia, Samaria, Furnace Fags, Jewbase, Peacekeepers, Meerkats, Mujahideen, Interstellar

Dainert is a well known oldfag on oldfag.org. He joined on July 25th, 2019 hours after SalC1's video on oldfag. He was generally an oppourtunist who knew how to start a group at the right time to make it blow up but never how to make it last, founding a lot of groups that burned bright and fast. He started by founding Furnace Fags, and is known for founding the bases Lithocarpus I, Lithocarpus II, founding Spectrum along with 6rl and Gestimo, keeping it going for a couple months as Osiris and Emonia, starting the Cumbean crusade, and founding the Mujahideen. He also occasionally was a part of Samaria, Meerkats, and the first three crusades, but didnt participate much and preferred his own groups and movements, except for when he leaked them like Jewbase 2 and the Peacekeepers.

OG History (autistic)[edit | edit source]

Dainert started walking out of spawn and was searching for base mates on his first day, he found a player by the name, beefsteakcharlie. They based together for the first day and after he didn’t log back on for a few days, Dainert left to seek riches and other players. Whilst moving old loot from the base in the shulker he had, Dainert brought his alt onto the server and brought it to his original base. He got into contact with 3 other players and started up a newfag base on the X+ highway around 400k out, the players he invited were Nightinq, SansBeans and Aeixn. All of whom have quit since. Sansbeans and Aeixn are the only 2 people to this day to have killed Dainert’s main. They afked and got gear at this base and Dainert made his first ever god set and god tools and was happy, he was scavenging around the base finding egaps, loads of gunpowder for tnt and emeralds for trading. He then used these items to trade for en elytra which he immediately set off to the end to use, at the time he had Impact so he had to use an alternative client, WWE. Once he came back it turned out one of the players, SansBeans had died and had to come back to base and they all decided to invite some more players, SansBeans invited his friend from res life and Dainert invited Uuwik, which would later be called Lavacaust or Purji. They based until one day Nightinq threatened to leave and leak coords and then the next day, a player had said the coords to us and said they were coming to grief. Swiftly Dainert, SansBeans and Uuwik grabbed everything and left. Aeixn and Nightinq went to spawn, Aeixn died and was never seen again on the server but Nightinq, he has a bigger role in the next part...