Brazilian Spawn Crusade

From Anarchy Minecraft
Brazilian Spawn Crusade
Participants ~50 Known Players

* ~35 Crusaders

* ~10 Anti-Crusaders

* ~5 Emperium

>100 Brazilian Newfags

* Various Brazilian Clans

* porkinbr


* Samaria

* Interstellar

* Outlaws

* Boomer Corp

Duration January 5th - January 19th (15 days)
Main Influencers * porkinbr (key youtuber)

* Nwop, 0ldfagNews, B0A1T (influenced porkinbr to join)

* GeNkRaZyKiLLeR (founded Crusade)

* Nwop, SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN, joris2710 (founded Anti-Crusade)

Outcome * Most Brazilians successfully left/outposts griefed, fights between Crusade and Anti-Crusade went back and forth. Small Brazilian clans still survived.

*Spawn griefed to a greater extent with lava and TNT dupers

*Larger playerbase, later January/February having some of the highest player counts in its history

*Post-Crusade die out, less pvp and events in comparison to base dwelling for the rest of January

*Valentine's Extravaganza grief

*Group Relations

*Samaria re-established with more members

*Improved relations between Interstellar, Outlaws, SSJN

*Small Brazilian clans survive, lurking among server

The Brazilian Spawn Crusade was the 2nd Crusade of Oldfag, and easily the largest organized community event ever on the server. In contrast to the smaller and more stagnant Crusade I, it was the first crusade with a significant newfag and oldfag opposition alike, dominating the chat, discord, and subreddit for most of its duration. It started when a Brazilian youtuber with 200k subs featured the server, porkinbr, after being influenced to join by players Nwop, 0ldfagnews, and B0A1T. GeNkRaZyKiLLeR would quickly create the Crusade discord and become its leader. A day later, SSJN and Interstellar would start the Anti-Crusade, starting fights not just between newfags and oldfags, but oldfags and oldfags, having many far reaching consequences.

History[edit | edit source]

Day 1: Crusade Island[edit | edit source]

The video just coming out, the Crusade discord was started and within hours many early Crusaders got together in discord to start an outpost and raid spawn. Namy_McNameface and SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN were voted as Crusade leaders. Divisions were planned such as a griefing, building, and pvp division much like the First Crusade, although these were ultimately scrapped. Genk, Gestimo, TrueIgnite, Qokko, Arount, SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN, Nwop, anarch33, Raltsy, Savata, BooBooBaloney, Johnmcswag, and Namy_McNameface were the active crusaders of day 1. Some of them decided to stay at 0 0, others seeked out an old spawn base to use as their crusade outpost, but StormTroopers came and the crusaders had to leave. After much discussion, the crusaders finally seeked out an island at -2040 -5170 to start their outpost. SSJN was the main builder, and after some screenshots together they spread out to their various activities. The only two players immediately KOS'd by the Crusade were Xormios and StormTroopers, although this would proof to be an incredible mistake later on and still got some backlash from some crusaders, as Xormios and Stormtroopers may have been otherwise friendly to the Crusade by the next day.

Regardless, the video was new and thus not many Brazilians joined yet, so the Crusade didn't have much to do besides some skirmishes with StormTroopers, making him log. Otherwise the Crusade left it there for the night.

Anti-Crusade[edit | edit source]

It was ultimately in SSJN's nature to help newfags and opposed the Crusade mentality, thus within minutes of joining the Crusade, SSJN privately messaged Namy_McNameface, admitting his intent to betray the movement and instead help newfags. In his typical neutral fashion, Namy did not intervene either way. Later in the night, Nwop was not-so-subtly attempting to kill Crusaders at the Island Outpost when he had them alone. After SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN planted his first tree at spawn, he reached out, and soon Interstellar, ImTransphobic, and SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN had formed the Anti-Crusade. For some, their main focus was on helping the newfags themselves, while for others it was a focus on having more opportunities to fight Oldfags or specifically ones they opposed.

Day 2: This is a war[edit | edit source]

The Anti-Crusade was still unknown to the crusaders, hence, SSJN could still hide in the Crusade Discord as a leader for the time being.

By the second day, Porkinbr noticed the Anti-Brazilian activity, and "declared war" on the Crusade in his tweet, saying: Okay gringos of This is a war. With this came more views and thus more newfag activity, with many Brazilians spamming in the chat.

It was discovered by the Crusade that Nwop was killing Crusaders, the crusaders would quickly group up to fight him, but couldnt get him in time. Rather, they chose to fight Xormios. In a 4v1, of Xormios vs Afdud, Gestimo, Raltsy, and anarch33 on the nether floor, Xormios would kill Raltsy and pop Afdud before having to flee. Namy also spawned in 5 withers named "GIVE NAMY_MCNAMEFACE RUSHERHACK +" at 0 0, while John200410 was passively watching.

During that day, SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN personally led a dozen or so Brazilian players out of spawn. At most, he amassed a group of five Brazilians and used Google translate to communicate with them, stopping their progress on a base in favor of settling further out from spawn. He gave these players- prodcastanbo, Azarado, oitavo_gamer, peppinllo, and RyaThu- food and blocks to build with, along with several copies of the new Anti-Crusade banner. They would spend all night creating a base together, using Google translate to overcome the language barrier. Due to their numbers and delegation of tasks, they all had cooked fish and bread and carrots to eat, were geared in diamond armor, and a decently protected house.

Day 3: Anti-Crusade revealed[edit | edit source]

Many crusade members quickly got together in voice chat, generally patrolling, and playing other servers. More trees were being burnt as SuperHunchen was a large contributor to the tree grief effort along with GeNk and Gestimo. Porkinbr would make his second video, and with more Brazilians new discord servers came. Multiple discord raids occurred on Brazilian discord servers, with less competent moderators, such raids not as relevant on the crusade discord. Porkinbr would log in, and then make a video involving the server, further boosting the player count. At its peak, the player count would reach about 85 players, a count rarely reached ever since August, discluding bots. A few crusade members would meet up at an old base of B0A1T, and encounter another large base made by bailey_mcadam. Meanwhile, the amount of brazilians raged on, continuously spamming chat, and using their own discords.

Coming back to spawn, the crusaders would encounter Interstellar members joris2710 and avida. GeNk made avida log while joris managed to flee from the rest. Camping his log spot, eventually Nwop would log on, but chose to flee to the nether floor rather than approach the 5 crusaders ready to fight. Joris's alt would attempt to free avida, but fail. While outnumbered, due to Nwop's reputation, many people were reluctant to fight him. Kokichiiii would be the one to take initiative and go down, the rest leading behind. Nwop didn't approach them, rather fleed, but accomplished his goal of saving Avida. Later in Overworld spawn, Johnmcswag, GeNk, and Kokichiiii would encounter Nwop, and proceed to kill him due to the fact he accidentally disabled his autototem, dividing his gear amongst them.

Great suspiscion surrounded crusade leader SSJN after he reported making a banner and giving gear to Porkinbr. This would all be confirmed when SSJN started randomly kicking crusaders, eventually getting caught and banned. SSJN publicly revealed being the leader of the Anti-Crusade, as GeNk cleaned up the mess in the discord. Later, GeNk would stumble upon SSJN's Brazilian outpost. He would quickly get to slaughtering the newfags and popping half of SSJN's totems, till SSJN had to flee. He bedtrapped and griefed the base along with Namy, who was passively watching the battles.

Multiple discord raids occurred on Brazilian discord servers, with less competent moderators, such raids not as relevant on the crusade discord. Due to incompetency many Brazilian discords were public and coords of outposts and player locations were commonly found. Once they were eventually privated, dozens of outposts were raided by the Crusade, thanks to the effort of Crusade insider Fr0st.

By the night of Day 3, Namy would cover the spawn walls he previously built in the First Crusade, in lava, making it incredibly hard for both newfags and oldfags to travel across spawn.

Day 4: Raw Battle[edit | edit source]

Early into the day, Gestimo, Afdud, and GeNk would bedtrap a newfag. Asking for coords, a while later Nwop would show up at spawn. It was a 2v4, Afdud, GeNk (on his undergeared alt), Kokichiiii, and Johnmcswag versus Nwop and Joris, while SSJN watched and got attacked. 10 of Joris's totems would pop before he logged. Nwop fought valiantly, popping twice, losing 3 gsets and using about half a stack of crystals, before ultimately killing Kokichiiii with crystals, and making the rest flee.

The hype wouldn't stop there, the previous crusaders along with 6rl, DezzDox, and Savata visited various Brazilian outposts, some provided by Fr0st, griefing them and their inhabitants. Bruh77 found an outpost with about 10 people, killing/logging most of them and bedtrapping one of them. Namy later destroyed the Brazilian's main base about 60k from spawn after Fr0st, the insider, leaked it to them.

Spawn Chunks[edit | edit source]

About 10% of the spawn chunks would randomly revert due to a server error, bringing trees and villages to spawn. At first assuming it was John reverting them to stop lag the crusade had a large backlash, but once it was cleared up John got LolRiTTeR to restore the reverted chunks. While the spawn chunks still lasted they were burnt and lavacasted by the crusade.

Days 5-6: Video 3, Lava Lag[edit | edit source]

Day 5 finally started the carpet bombing of spawn, blowing up the +X highway down to 9k. There were also no trees left within 1k of spawn at this point.

Porkinbr would feature Oldfag in yet a third video, featuring the Oldfag reddit.

SSJN would later start removing the lava from the spawn walls and greatly reduce the TPS cause of it, down to a mere half TPS, later getting into a skirmish with various crusade members and fleeing. Johncmswag would kill SSJN after he logged later, as Namy would get to work refilling the wall with lava, although eventually Namy and anarch33 would die due to the lag aswell.

Many crusaders chose to take a break on day 6, but crusading certainly didn't come to a complete stop. There where a couple griefed outposts and visits at the valley of wheat. Most notably SSJN was killed with a shulker in his inventory by Savata.

Later a 1v1 between Tari and Johnmcswag resulted in Tari logging, and in a 3v2 with Tristan and joris vs. Dainert, 6rl, and Johnmcswag, resulted in joris dying and Tristan logging.

Day 7: Defeat on three sides[edit | edit source]

Xormios would flee from 6rl in a 1v1, then he came back to 0 0 after regearing, showing up with jqq.

DezzDox would discover a massive wheat farm at the end portal made by singed_player. Later a 4v1/5v2 would occur between GeNk on an alt, DezzDox, anarch33, Johnmcswag, Savata, versus jqq and StormTroopers. GeNk would pop Storm's totem but Storm would make him log on his alt with no totems. The rest of the crusaders would make jqq flee.

Later Nwop would, predictably, betray Qokko after he became an Interstellar 'member', crystalling him and taking his gear.

Emp Raid[edit | edit source]

An emperium raid would occur, many Emp members raided Oldfag spawn. Crusaders would come to spawn, and eventually Emp members Ares, thearbiter, 864, Ace, and 1Charlie3 would attack, fighting anarch33, SuperHunchen, Savata, Johnmcswag, bruh77, and GeNk. The 2b2t pvpers incredible competence in crystal pvp would cause GeNk's alt, without totems, to die, SuperHunchen had to log because anarch33's crystal aura focused on him while anarch33 later logged and then died. Bruh77 would also log, however he was very under geared with only one armor set. However, Savata and johnmcswag would still win the 2v4(or 3, at this point), making them log/flee and keeping ownership of spawn.

SSJN would later show his base and his bed on stream, discluding almost all terrain. Originally planning to terrain exploit, this wasn't needed at all, as it turned out GeNk recognized this exact base based off only a chicken statue and face of a building. A vague spawn base, he originally visited it in September and confirmed when he found the same base in his screenshots. He would visit with SuperHunchen and 6rl going there shortly after, ready to attack SSJN, but he wasn't there, although GeNk would get to trapping SSJN's bed. Later 6rl and Johnmcswag would grief the base, although to the dissaproval of GeNk.

Days 8-10: Stagnation, Boredom[edit | edit source]

Porkinbr would join the server, and many Crusaders would escort him down the -X highway for clout in the video. After awhile they got bored and decided to crystal him. Savata ended up getting most of the attention once the video came up.

In a 1v1 between Xormios and 6rl again, 6rl would log.

Day 9, The lava wall was finally refilled by SuperHunchen and GeNk after a few days of being removed.

Day 10, Fr0st and Savata would work together to kill one of the Brazilian clan's leaders, TJLindo. However afterwards Fr0st's cover would be blown, By the time he got found out, he succesfully insided many Brazilian bases that otherwise would not have been found.

Later, GeNk would learn from Gestimo of an apparent CEO member meetup, a sort of reunion of former members. GeNk came to the CEO knowing Storm and Snappy were likely there and told Johnmcswag to come aswell. Only Snappy was there, and dzsh would kill him with a wooden sword. A couple minutes later, John found Snappy's bed, and proceeded to bedtrap him with GeNk.

Day 11: Valley of Wheat, and the Duel[edit | edit source]

There were talks of porkinbr ending the war, and that if porkinbr would fail the duel between him and Saiyamanmc, he would surrender. Many Brazilians were planning to surrender according to SSJN, which would end the conflict. It seemed like the crusade was getting closer to its end.

The 10k valley of wheat was griefed by Interstellar after SnappyHiker wanted to grief it. While the crusade and anti-crusade where supportive of it alike, they later chose to support Snappy when he started griefing it. Not enough skilled crusaders were online to be able to oppose them and ultimately abandoned protecting it, sealing its end until Boco helped repair it.

Days 12-15: Cowardice and a Quiet End[edit | edit source]

In a surprise event, porkinbr would ask to duel Savata on a kit pvp server instead of dueling Saiyaman on Oldfag, savata accepting. Savata would get beat twice. Saiyaman was essentially ghosted, porkinbr choosing to fight Savata in an unfair setting while refusing to do the same with Saiyaman.

The final significant events of the crusaders occurred, when a 2v4 between Xormios/StormTroopers and the crusaders came about. One of the crusaders totems would pop and Storm and Xormios would flee. Aswell, Bruh77, with some amazing trolling, convinced Nwop that he was kicked out of the crusade. After being invited to an Anti Crusade discord that contained Nwop, ImTransphobic, SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN and Joris2710, he would troll the anti crusaders and invite Anarch33. This event didn't matter much as the crusade was over at this point. This did have relevance later on as the doings of Qokko exposed in this group chat would cause him to get kicked out of Samaria.

With stagnation and boredom, GeNk ended the crusade, only temporarily leaving the discord in its name, a month later converting it to a shop discord.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Overall without any symbolic duel that would properly and agreeably decide a "winner" of the crusade, you can only look to the numbers. Most Brazilians had left the server, and the Crusade won a slight majority of the battles. Overall the Crusade divided the groups of the server for the next month or so into two blocks: Interstellar and Outlaws abandoned their rivalry and allied, along with Emp, and Samaria brought in many new members who were previously groupless due to the dieout of Emonia, along with an alliance with Boco. The latter half of January also was not a very active time, many Oldfags reverting to base dwelling out of the heat of the Crusade. This would also cause the boom of the Swasticock Samarian base, reaching up to 14 members till it became too unstable to sustain, the crusade also being the catalyst for the failure of SSJN's Valentine's Extravaganza, thanks to one Brazilian and the reactions he caused.

The crusade is still remembered by old players as the peak of Oldfag, being one of the funnest and most intense experiences they've had online. Many tried to replicate it, but none could match its drama, its battle, its destruction, its memes, and the community that came together for those few weeks.

Participants[edit | edit source]

Crusade[edit | edit source]

The Crusaders were largely composed of Oldfags, dedicating to curbing the Brazilian Invasion and fighting at spawn. Many had neutral/bad relations with Crusade leaders, but only a few Oldfags were not allowed in the Crusade, later joining the Anti-Crusade. Some newfags were recruited however, some being just friendly to the cause, regardless of being Brazilian or not, while others were Brazilians who had the goal of insiding Brazilian clans. Many crusaders were not pvpers, others were moderately skilled like Savata, Johnmcswag and anarch33. Likely the best pvper of the Crusade, Dainert, was apathetic to the crusade and only participated in one battle, making battles against the skilled pvpers Nwop and Xormios hard fought.

GeNkRaZyKiLLeR (leader)

Namy_McNameface (leader)

Gestimo (leader)























SaiyamanMC (+Boomer Corp)








Anti-Crusade[edit | edit source]

The Anti-Crusade was the coalition of mainly Oldfags who opposed the crusade, either for their support of newfags or opposition to other Oldfags in the Crusade, group relations sometimes having to do with it. Some were banned from the Crusade and later joined the Anti-Crusade cause of it, while others were planning to stop the Crusade from the start. Due to the PvP skill of Nwop and Xormios, and the apathy and inactivity from some of the best Crusade pvpers like Dainert, the Anti-Crusade managed to hold up against the Crusade despite the numbers difference.


Nwop (leader)

joris2710 (leader)






ThaBoogieMonster (known as ThaBigG, Tristan, or AnalTorturer)

singed_player (neutral, supportive)

Watermelaniee (neutral, supportive)

SnappyHiker (neutral, supportive)

Brazilian Clans[edit | edit source]

While the sheer amount of newfags and general disorganization makes it hard to track all Brazilians, about 15 were documented from the most organized clan, being supported by the Anti-Crusade.

TJlindo (leader)













Emperium[edit | edit source]

About 5 Emperium members joined Oldfag for a night to raid spawn, causing a battle between Emperium member and the Crusade, with some Anti-Crusade members even helping against Emperium. They had incredible competence in crystal pvp, but their lack of prioritization on sword pvp was their downfall.






Media[edit | edit source]

A load of memes, videos, and images were made on the subreddit while the crusade was going on, portraying the situation.

"Actual Gameplay Footage [highly graphic]" - SaiyamanMC - Brazilians fucked by the Long Hard Dick Of The Law - GeNkRaZyKiLLeR

"r/oldfaghistory: - ColdogMC - "Hot" - Namy_McNameface

"Crusaders get FUCKED at Spawn!!" - SSJNSSJNSSJNSSJN - - Mirror

"How it feels to be in the anti-crusade" - joris2710

"fucking brazillians" - SuperHunchen