"Phoenix on Top XDDDD" | |
Approx. join date | July 21, 2019 |
Status | Semi-active |
Identity | |
Known Alts | jobinc |
Reddit Username(s) | None or unknown |
Affiliations | |
Current | Phoenix and Namy |
Past | Samaria |
History[edit | edit source]
BooBooBaloney joined on July 21 2019, an old player that still plays occasionally. He founded Phoenix soon after with some teammates like BlueSkyDragon, Baconvax, sirsting and retttt. Namy_McNameface also helped build Portia Alpha, a base from november that still stands today. BooBooBaloney participated in the september spawn crusade before leaving it because of being killed and the crusade being hijacked by the Meerkats. He also participated in the Anti-Brazilian crusade. BooBooBaloney is allies with Samaria and Namy, friends with SnappyHiker and SSJN, and enemies with Lavacaust.