There is currently one lasting piece of unnatural bedrock on, known as the Samaria Bedrock. It's in a desert, one hundred blocks away from the old, now griefed base of the Samarians. There has also been other instances of bedrock on Oldfag, although usually ops messing with their admin and immediately destroying the bedrock afterwards.
History (Samaria Bedrock)[edit | edit source]
On August 17th 2019, kpk8, a member of the Samarians, had made a bargain with John. After his pay check, he made a request to John. For $250, which would pay the server for three months, (during a time where John was struggling to get the needed donations for the server), John would place a single bedrock at kpk8's request. Kpk8 came up with a few ideas of where to place it, including 0 0 nether, but eventually funneled the decision up to the leader of the group, GeNkRaZyKiLLeR. GenK chose a location in the middle of a desert, and John agreed to it. A single bedrock appeared, and thus, Samarias base would be eternalized forever, Kpk8's bedrock an indestructible relic. GenK's plan was to build a massive temple around this bedrock, and essentially have the bedrock as its "heart", fueling the rest. This had to be forgotten about though, as just a few days later, fie_nd would leak the base coords in an agreement to join the Meerkats, merely giving passerbyers a sight to gawk at. During the base leak, LolRiTTeR also placed a few pieces of Bedrock in front of Meerkat members and GeNk to tease them, but destroyed it right after.
In the longrun, thanks to kpk8 paying $250, the server was paid for all the way from August 2019 to February 2020.
On November 24th, GeNk rallied together 8 other players to bring LolRiTTeRBot from 0 0, to the Samaria Bedrock, in an event called the Bedrock Trek. LolRiTTeRBot would last there a whole 9 days.
First Destruction (Fourth Crusade)[edit | edit source]
While there was many times in the Samaria Bedrock's history that it was susceptible to being destroyed with an exploit, it finally happened for the first time on June 7th 2020. Members of the Fourth Crusade including Bruh77 and Johnmcswag built a lag machine at the bedrock. John200410 removed the lag machine and in the process unwittingly deleted the bedrock. For a couple hours it was gone until the owner eventually placed it back.
Second Destruction (Oldfag Anniversary)[edit | edit source]
The bedrock was destroyed for a second time on June 24th 2020, the 1 year anniversary of Oldfag, by former Jewbase members, probably using the headless piston exploit. John200410 unwittingly replaced the bedrock in the wrong spot, about 10 blocks away.
Genk got John to place it correctly a couple days later. Its been destroyed a few times since but continually gets replaced.
Other Instances[edit | edit source]
Dainert reported LolRiTTeR doing the same thing he did at the Samaria Base to him... placing bedrock in front of him, and then proceeding to break it after, technically making it another instance of unnatural bedrock.
On September 21st ImSwordKing was removing the gateway end portals on the main end island and messaged Namy McNameface about LolRiTTeR replacing them. Namy quickly went into the end and found LolRiTTeR afk and Namy proceeded to remove the bedrock around one of the gateway portals with end crystals right in front of LolRiTTeR.
Namy_McNameface using a well know exploit with headless pistons created a hole in the overworld bedrock near his base and jumped in it a number of times testing the depth a which you start taking damage. On oldfag void damage starts as soon as your feet go below the y=0 bedrock.