Admin Abuse And Questionable Actions

From Anarchy Minecraft

The abuse of admin is the hard truth of Oldfag. Most abuses by John and LolRiTTeR that are confirmed are small and generally don't affect the server much, others are debatable and may not be perceived as abuse, although are questionable by some as something an anarchy admin should do.

Confirmed[edit | edit source]

Confirmed claims with proof of the OPs abusing admin, as in using their powers for no actual reason other than messing around or using it maliciously.

  • John accepted $250 to place a single piece of Bedrock. LolRiTTeR placed down bedrock and destroyed it directly after in front of players twice.
  • John spawned giants in at Potato Island in front of SnappyHiker.
  • LolRiTTeR played CD music serverwide in July, for about an hour.
  • John spawned in a 32k sword and a dragon egg for himself. He also killed a non-geared player, once.
  • John would accept a private end portal spawned in, for $750.
  • LolRiTTeR crystalled multiple naked players and killed a geared player to test a plugin
  • John has placed down bedrock, barrier blocks and has spawed in unbreaking 5 armor on one of digmc's livestream's on 2:33:10
  • While patching the Database thunder exploit in February 2023, John200410 allowed members of the base Kyoto to be whitelisted and watercube their base while the server was shut down
  • After UOP 5 was griefed, the members either lied or somehow convinced John that it was found with the Database Thunder Exploit, despite that exploit not being used to find the base and it being found separately by GeNk and his group. Afterwards, John would respawn an end portal for the group at their next base despite it not being paid for and the previous portal being destroyed legitimately.
Unconfirmed[edit | edit source]

These are either unbacked claims or theories that could dive into the realm of conspiracy.

  • X1d was given end portal coords at the very start of the new map.
  • There is suspicion that John gave gear to Meerkats members in early July, due to the questionability of how quickly members like 864 got their gear.
  • It's thought John spawned in 5 withers at spawn, although likely this was a misconception.
  • John deleted the whole playerdata of the player goergenwagen and the whole inventory of SuperHunchen by thinking both of them duped thier items, which both of them didn't do. Both of thier inventorys were never returned.
Questionable Actions[edit | edit source]

Actions that are not necessarily considered abuse, but are questionable and are denounced by some.

  • As is largely known, after the seed was cracked, John changed all new chunks to a new seed, twice.
  • After accidentally leaking region files of the server to JayAmazingness, John chose to cover it up and keep quiet, rather than announcing to the community that their base was probably leaked.
  • LolRiTTeR has banned a player before for using a server crash exploit, although later unbanning them.
  • Most of the first day players on the new map are Emperium members, likely John getting them to join first, thus giving them an advantage. Oldfag has been seen by some as meant for Emp which is clear considering this and John's affiliations, and many of the claims above showing his bias for Emperium. Regardless Emp players have rarely consistently played since September.
  • John waited in vanish in the end to make a water cube disapear faster.